Northwest Coffee Roasting Company

Northwest Coffee Roasting Company

We are an artisan coffee roaster serving the Saint Louis community. We embody the legacy of coffee by unifying communities, stimulating dialogue, and providing hand roasted and brewed full city coffee.

Watch our video.

Public Radio on Tap

Join us this Thursday, February 6, 2014, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Chronicle Coffee for a Public Radio on Tap event discussing Saint Louis Coffee and Community. The Young Friends of St Louis Public Radio sponsors the Public Radio on Tap series, which they describe on their website as a way to “bring together young professionals in the St. Louis region… to debate, discuss and converse over what currently makes St. Louis tick.”

This event focuses on Coffee and Community, and will bring together Mark Attwood of Comet Coffee, Scott Carey of Sump Coffee, Mike Marquard of Blueprint Coffee,  and our very own Jason Wilson of Chronicle Coffee and Northwest Coffee. We are so excited about this event because we believe that Chronicle is the perfect venue to discuss the intersection of coffee and community in Saint Louis. Please join us for what is sure to be a fascinating and stimulating evening – but if you miss it, be sure to check back on this blog for a recap.
