Northwest Coffee Roasting Company

Northwest Coffee Roasting Company

We are an artisan coffee roaster serving the Saint Louis community. We embody the legacy of coffee by unifying communities, stimulating dialogue, and providing hand roasted and brewed full city coffee.

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Planned Parenthood Sex Trivia Night

Last night, I had the good fortune to get to work at the Planned Parenthood Sex Trivia night event. It was their fifth annual Sex Trivia night, with about 350 guests vying for prizes for trivia, best costumes, and best decorations. Tables of ten competed in ten rounds of questions about sex, including the history of sex, sex in movies, and fetishes. Chronicle Coffee had a coffee bar, and we served complimentary pour-overs of our Tanzania Peaberry and Mocha Java. Guests were interested in the labor intensive process, and we had fun adding our coffee to the party. It was great being in a room full of Planned Parenthood staff, supporters, and friends. The atmosphere was welcoming, diverse, and fun, and we’re grateful to have been a part of it.
